Laboratory of Energy Efficiency
Laboratory of Energy Efficiency (LABEE) is a research and development infrastructure allowing researchers, developers, and practitioners to study various aspects of energy efficient systems. These aspects includes topics such as energy efficient data centers, heterogeneous computing, resource management and scheduling, simulation of computing systems, monitoring and measurements of efficiency, use of renewable energy to power IT systems, and many others.
LABEE is not limited to the IT efficiency research. It also concentrates on the creative use of IT technologies for other domains of science and industry. In particular, investigated areas include smart metering, distributed sensors, energy management in buildings, smart homes and offices, and other optics related to widely defined efficiency.
LABEE provides (for registered users) access to measurement data from its micro data center, smart office sensors, and microgrid with renewable energy production. LABEE web application enables easy access to both rich information about the infrastructure in real time and comprehensive historical data and statistics.
LABEE is one of laboratories of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC),